We personally have selected all the available products that we offer to you. They are from various regions of Italy and they represent the best quality. Quality is important in the ingredients, as here at Akademia Italia, just as for all the Italians you can eat really good dishes and cook gently if you eat the ingredients even by themselves. These products are used in the restaurant, but you can take them home with you to prepare the flavors of Italy or to give them to your loved ones.
We have selected for you the finest Italian wines from various regions of Italy. Cannot be absent from the list the Sicilian Shiraz, the Tuscan Chianti, neither the white wines of Cortaccia. Not to even mention the real prosecco from Prosecco region. We offer these wines for dishes, as well is worth visiting our wine cellar in the basement, where you can also buy for take away Italy closed in a bottle.
Pasta, Rice, Flour
The pasta is one of the cornerstones of Italian meals, they eat it several times a week and there are plenty of ways you can prepare it. The traditional Italian pasta recipes are all simple, some are based on few ingredients and therefore is even more important that the raw ingredients used shall be the best. Therefore these pastas are like homemade ones. It is worth to try them!
Oil and vinegar
The flavoring is a key moment in the science of cooking. That’s why we invest emphasis to recommend to our guests only the best extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. We taste our dishes with these, but is also available to take away olive oil from various Italian regions. You can find Tuscany, Sicily and Puglia region’s products among them. It is worth to taste them!
Cured meats and cheeses
To the Italian meals belong delicious cheeses and cold cuts as well. As an appetizer, but also as flavoring occurs the delicious prosciutto,the ham, which is obtained from Parma and San Daniele. And the authentic Parmesan cheese, with that we flavor almost every our pasta. If we put them together, they are great to create an appetizer platter.
Also important products are various creams, pates, and vegetables in oil, which we can consume on bruschetta. A perfect ingredient of a cold dinner or an appetizer can be the olive cream of Puglia, which you can enjoy even at home!
Last but not least, sweets cannot be missing, of which the favourites are the excellent amaretti, homemade jams and the periodically available panettone. Moreover, you can find the traditional ladyfinger biscuit, from which you can easily prepare at home the real Italian tiramisù.
« Eat well, smile a lot, love much. »