
As quality is one of our main principles, we are always seeking to sort out the best products made in Italy for you. Our suppliers are working in different parts of Italy and they are working along similar values like us. We know them all personally and we have tasted all of their products that we have sorted for you.

<a name="gocceitaliane"></a>
Gocce italiane

Gocce italiane

Modena (Emilia-Romagna)

Aceto balsamico

Who does not know the balsamic vinegar of Modena? The vinegar made by Aceto Gocce Leonardi mature in wooden barrels according to the traditional process. Speciality are the flavored vinegars, prepared with truffles, cherry, fig and chili pepper.

<a name="fraccaro"></a>
Fraccaro Spumadoro

Fraccaro Spumadoro

Treviso (Veneto)


The company’s history has begun in 1932, when Elen and Giovanni Fraccaro have founded their bakery in Castelfranco. The company is still family-owned and has grown highly, but pastries, panettones and other goodies are made according the traditions, using the 84 year old yeast.

<a name="prolongo"></a>
Prosciuttificio Prolongo

Prosciuttificio Prolongo

Udine (Friuli)


The multi-generational prosciutto factory lead by the Prolongo family is located in the name-protected town of San Daniele. The matured ham’s unique taste is based on the traditional processes and on the perfect climate what promotes aging. The marine and mountain airflows of San Daniele dry and make unique the hams hunged up for 12-24 months.

<a name="kurtatsch"></a>
Cantina Kurtatsch

Cantina Kurtatsch

Bolzano (Trentino-Alto Adige)


Among the Dolomites at the north, at the Italian-Austrian border is located the city of Cortaccia, where Italian & Austrian language, traditions and customs are mixed. In these mountains grapes are grown, in high places fresh white ones, and down to the valley the red one. In the valley we can find apple fields, because apple is another ambassador of this region. The Kurtatsch winery is the fruit of more than 120 people’s work, as it is working as a cooperative.

<a name="decarlo"></a>
De Carlo

De Carlo

Bari (Puglia)


The De Carlo family leads and broaden diligently their business in Puglia region. They are raising 12 thousands of olive trees on their lands, of which some are more than 100 years old. From the olives they prepare oil and pate, and due to they have several types of vegetables,they have also oily ones, which are divine in themselves or served in bruschetta or pasta.

<a name="donnachiara"></a>


Avellino (Campania)


In the green Irpinia, close to the Amalfi coast, between the mountains, are located the vineyards which belong to the Petitto family. The company, producing both red and white wines, pays tribute to the memory of Donnachiara, to the great-grandmother Signora Chiara and the bottled nectar with her name takes the fame of the region to the different parts of the world.

<a name="plose"></a>



Soft drinks

The keyword at the Plose mineral water factory is naturalness. Their bottled waters are 100% natural, and the operation of the plant is also environmentally conscious. At the footsteps of the Plose mountains, the company fills the bottles and the shelves of restaurants and cafés with the freshness of nature for more than 60 years now.

<a name="saledicervia"></a>
Sale di Cervia

Sale di Cervia



92% of the salt factory in the Po river delta, not far away from Ravenna is owned by the state. It only has one private owner, the baths of Cervia di Brisighella. The Sale di Cervia is a natural salt (called by many as “sweet salt”), which is a result of special geographical conditions. It also adds to the good reputation of Italian gastronomy all around the world.

<a name="cantinalunae"></a>
Cantina Lunae

Cantina Lunae

Ortonovo (La Spezia)


The winery was founded in 1966 in the hills of Luni, nested in the Liguria region, next to Tuscany. The winemaker Paolo Bosoni dreamt up the family business back then, which is still run by them. The winery itself is situated only a few kilometres from the sea, and with its’ cosy atmosphere it is a perfect place for welcoming visitors.

<a name="rinaldini"></a>
A.A. Rinaldini

A.A. Rinaldini

Calerno di S.Ilario d'Enza (Emilia-Romagna)

<a name="acetaialeonardi"></a>
Acetaia Leonardi

Acetaia Leonardi


Balsamic vinegar

<a name="latteriasoresina"></a>
Latteria Soresina SCA

Latteria Soresina SCA

Soresina (CR)

<a name="sanpellegrino"></a>
San Pellegrino

San Pellegrino

Bergamo (Lombardia)


The company exists since 1899 and increased continuously. Now is present in 120 countries. The company beside the alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, is distributor of the Acqua Panna and San Pellegrino mineral waters, believes in Italian quality and in intention of perfection.

<a name="molinoquaglia"></a>


Padova (Veneto)


The multi-generation family business has grown a lot, but it is still located at the place of the old mill. The mill is now mechanized, and they ground wheat very fine, from which we prepare pasta and pizza. Molino Quaglia takes ‘Pizza University’ and ‘Pasta making’ lessons for students every year.

<a name="vignedoro"></a>
Vigne d'oro

Vigne d'oro

Treviso (Veneto)


20 hectars of land located in the Prosecco region, next to Conegliano, are owned by the Vazzoler family. From grapes grown in these lands, they produce the real prosecco DOCG, which quality is guaranteed by the ‘terrior’, breeze coming from the mountains during the sunny hours.

<a name="poderealberese"></a>
Podere Alberese

Podere Alberese

Siena (Toscana)


On the hills not far from Siena we can find the fabulous Tuscan cottage, the Podere Alberese. In the agriturismo lead by the Bozzano family oil and wine are made, and the family itself provides the comfort and satisfaction of the guests. What else can we say about them, their products and about the place, rather than they are very loveable.

<a name="lafabbricadellapastadigragnano"></a>
La Fabbrica della Pasta di Gragnano

La Fabbrica della Pasta di Gragnano

Napoli (Campania)


The city Gragnano located in Campania region, is in the valley not far from the Amalfi coast. This place is the homeland of pasta, where almost everybody deals with pasta-making. They used to prepare the pasta hand-made, dried on the streets, which now is replaced with machines, as there is a need for homemade flavors worldwide. Ciro, Antonino, Marianna and Suzanna, four siblings have dedicated the Pasta Factory, La Fabbrica della Pasta di Gragnano, to their father, and pasta variations, different shapes, colors and flavors makes it really interesting.

<a name="cavalierumbertoboschi"></a>
Cavalier Umberto Boschi

Cavalier Umberto Boschi

Parma (Emilia Romagna)


The history of the ham plant Cavalier Umberto Boschi has started in 1922 when the eponymous Umberto Boschi, with his wife Elza started growing a family business. The Parma ham and salami factory takes advantage of the natural endowments from the beginning, because the breezy conditions of the valley nestled at the foot of the Apennine mountains, and the vapor of Baganza river are perfect conditions for the unsophisticated Parma ham.

<a name="rigoni"></a>


Asiago (VI)


The history of the company dates back to the world wars, when Elisa Antonini started to make honey. Automatization and innovation helped the company grow in the ‘70s, then came international trade. They make excellent quality jams from natural ingredients in all kinds of flavours.

<a name="valbona"></a>


Lozzo Attestino


The Valbona company operates successfully for decades now, providing canned vegetables and bottled fruits, all coming from Italian soil. Their goal is to lock freshness and genuine taste in the bottle, preserving and even enhancing the excellent quality of the ingredients.

<a name="argiolas"></a>




At the southern part of Sardinia you’ll find the Argiolas winery, which operates for more than a century now. The grandchildren of the founder Antonio cultivate the land and harvest the grape year by year, paying close attention to traditions and quality.

<a name="ciaccipiccolominidaragona"></a>
Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona

Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona

Montalcino (Siena)

<a name="speri"></a>
Speri Viticolori S.S.

Speri Viticolori S.S.

Verona (Veneto)

<a name="caseificiopreziosa"></a>
Caseificio Preziosa

Caseificio Preziosa

Cassinone (BG)

<a name="oleificiosancalogero"></a>
Oleificio San Calogero

Oleificio San Calogero

Sciacca (AG)

<a name="caffegm"></a>
Caffé GM

Caffé GM

Siena (Toscana)


Among the Tuscan hills we find Caffe GM, a family business, which deals with coffee grounding for more than 40 years. They select the coffee beans arrived from around the world based on secret recipes, and roast them in wood-burning ovens by hand. The final result is real savoury coffee, which is exported to the various parts of the world, including Akademia Italia.

<a name="donnafugata"></a>
Donna Fugata

Donna Fugata

Ragusa (Sicilia)


In Sicily and on the island on the further south Pantelleria, we find the Donnafugata family business which has born with the merger of vineyards and assumes and raises with care and diligence an important role among the winemakers of south Italy. They produce fruity white wines and tasty red ones and the famous ‘passito’, which is the sweet wine.

<a name="leduetorri"></a>
Le due Torri

Le due Torri

Udine (Friuli)


The winery Le Due Torri in the area of Udine is surrounded by green hills in the north and by the Judrio river in the south. The winery lead by the Volpe family produce tasty white and red wines in each year following the traditions and you can taste them at Akademia Italia.

<a name="nannonigrappe"></a>
Nannoni Grappe

Nannoni Grappe

Grosseto (Toscana)


In the southern part of Tuscany, the once swampy, but now beautifully developed Maremma region is located the distillery Nannoni Grappe. The world’s most famous distillate-maker woman, Priscilla Occhipinti leads their company with her father and two other partners. They makes grappa of several different scents and flavors which are exported to various part of the world as excellence of the ‘Made in Italy’.

<a name="anticadisitlleriapetrone"></a>
Antica Disitlleria Petrone

Antica Disitlleria Petrone

Caserta (Campania)


Petrone’s old distillery is a family business which history dates back to the end of the 1800s. The multi-generational company and its lemon tree plantations in the surrounding of Naples is described by the family as an ‘elderly lady’ whose stories determine the principles of the company management of the Petrone family.

<a name="lazzaroni"></a>


Varese (Lombardia)


The secret of Lazzaroni liqueurs, spirits and amaretto’s international success is the carefully selected raw materials and the strictly controlled process of the traditional recipes. They, just as we, also believe that the respect for quality and tradition is the recipe of the impeccable taste in long-term.

<a name="aperol"></a>


Milano (Lombardia)


This striking colored drink is the emblematic ingredient of the so popular “”aperitivo”” tradition in Italy. The slightly bitter taste of the drink can be consumed in a lot of different ways and it is ingredient of countless cocktails.

<a name="risoacquerello"></a>
Riso Acquerello

Riso Acquerello

Livorno Ferraris


The success of this decades-old family business lies in the right combination of traditions and innovation. The outstanding quality of the rice makes it a perfect fit for risotto’s, its’ fame originates from the seeds, the careful preparations and the special technique aging.

<a name="contizecca"></a>
Conti Zecca

Conti Zecca



In the southernmost area of Puglia, at the bottom of the Italian “boot” lie the lands of Salento, where the Conti Zecca winery operates. The family owns and cultivates the surrounding lands for more than 500 years now. They now grow the local authentic grapes here, like the Negroamaro, the Primitivo or the Malvasia Nera.

<a name="cogno"></a>
Elvio Cogno Societa' Agricola S.S

Elvio Cogno Societa' Agricola S.S

Novello (CN)

<a name="poderecastorani"></a>
Podere Castorani

Podere Castorani

Alanno (Abruzzo)

<a name="theresianer"></a>



<a name="frantoiopruneti"></a>
Frantoio Pruneti

Frantoio Pruneti

San Polo In Chianti (FI)

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